Wednesday, July 3, 2024


 "Rise, pick up your stretcher and go home." Mt 9:7

Jesus is forever in a contentious dialog with the Jewish leaders of his time. The Pharisees and Sadducees, feeling threatened by Jesus' popularity, are always looking for a reason to undermine his influence on everyday Jews. Afraid their relationship with the Roman authorities will be in danger if they cannot demonstrate that they can control their "people," they confront Jesus about his interpretation of Sabbath, dietary laws and healing, but Jesus will have none of it. Rather, he forces the Jewish leaders to look at themselves and their own fears.

Although it is often uncomfortable, when anyone challenges us, we can also be resistive. The key is not to act hastily. When we learn to take a minute or three to discern whether our nose is out of joint because we've been challenged, we are much less likely to speak defensively or aggressively towards those who might be able to help us take another step on our spiritual journey.

Today, listen from your heart and try not to defend yourself.

Who do you most admire for listening without resistance to everyone?

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