Sunday, June 30, 2024

Following Jesus

  "Foxes have dens and birds of the sky have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to rest his head."  Mt 8:20

Jesus' answer to the scribe who assures Jesus that he will follow him anywhere is telling.  Following Jesus is demanding. There is no way around it. His promises are not attractive to most. "I will be with you always," is a strong commitment, but contains no magic bullet. Jesus does not promise us success or renown. Neither does he promise us a fine home or a large family. Rather, he reminds the scribe and us that the only wealth he has to share with us is his relationship with his Father.

The question before us all, of course, is whether this is enough. Are we satisfied to be a part of his body, to be members of a community of faith that, though broken, is of God and for God? The prophet Amos assures us that God will not abandon us even though "son and father go to the same prostitute," (Amos 2:7) but again the question remains: Is this enough? Will this sustain us on our pilgrimage of faith?

Today, ask for an increase of faith.

What aspect of Gospel life do you find most demanding?

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