Monday, March 3, 2025

The Last Shall be First

 "Many that are first will be last, and the last will be first." Mk 10:31

Coming as it does in response to Peter's question about the reward the disciples can expect for giving up everything to follow Jesus,  the challenge not to seek the first place in anything is an important Gospel lesson.

Jesus is clear when he warns his followers not to worry about the issues that can so easily consume them, and that they should not imitate Jewish leaders who used their modest wealth, knowledge of the law and religious authority as weapons to frighten and intimidate the underclass. Rather, they need to remember that the purpose of the Law is to assure believers that God was their companion and guide and they had nothing to fear from any civil power, even their oppressors, if they lived the law with joy.

For Christians, the call is direct. Jesus, as the fulfillment of the law, is the one who must be at the center of our lives. Nothing we can gain in the world can substitute for this relationship. As long as we are willing to enter into the mystery of God's love in Christ and submit ourselves to him, we have nothing to fear.

Today, remember who you are before God and be grateful for your faith.

Which spiritual practices help you counter your pride?

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Facing Resistance

  "You are lacking in one thing. Go, sell what you have, and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me." Mk 10:21

Spiritual directors often speak of "resistances" to God's action in our lives.  Sometimes it is unresolved conflicts from the past that seem to block our submitting ourselves to God.  At other times, it is too much work, too much television or too much time in front of the computer. Part of my work, for instance, demands that I spend time reflecting on the daily scriptures, researching areas with which I am not familiar and actually writing this blog or a homily, but the computer cannot be my life.

Unless we take sufficient quiet time to remember God's enduring presence all around us, what we read, study and write will be like dry straw. Lacking a certain spirit, it will be unable to sustain us or help lift people to God and urge them to live for God and do God's work. Knowing who we are and what our priorities need to be is the foundation of an honest spiritual journey.

Today, ask God to help you recognize your addictions.

How do you manage your resistances and anxieties?