Friday, February 21, 2025

The Chair of St Peter

 "Do not lord it over those assigned to you, but be examples to the flock." 1 Pt 5:3

The role of the Bishop of Rome, the Pope, has been debated and challenged regularly in history, especially since the middle of the 19th century when the First Vatican Council wrote about papal infallibility. That is why it is so important to listen to St. Peter when he warns Christians not to lord it over others but to be examples to others as Pope Francis reminds us often. This might also be said of parents, grandparents, and everyday adult Catholics. Our primary call is to live the Gospel transparently in such a way that others might come to know and love Christ and follow a Gospel path. Catholcism is first a religion of persuasiveness and example, not of proselytizing and the manipulation of power.

This conversation seems especially important these days as the Church works to confront the sexual abuse crisis sweeping the Catholic world. That is why is it is so important to  pray for Pope Francis as he seeks to chart a Catholic path of deep reform and service of those most in need.

Today, pray for Pope Francis as he seeks to lead Catholics with humility and wisdom.

What do you need from a Christian leader?

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