Friday, February 7, 2025

Rest and Renewal

 “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” Mk 6:31

There are advantages living in a friary where most friars are over 70. No one is embarrassed to admit they need a nap, even two short ones! After the apostles report to Jesus about all their missionary journeys, he encourages them to go away to a deserted place and rest, no doubt because he senses how tired they are. After all, the transition they had to make from their lives as fishermen to apostles of a minor rabbi must have been difficult, even if they were literate. Becoming a public person is always demanding, and even more so in a society that was in a constant struggle with the Romans. 

Rest is something we all need, not just physically but spiritually. Slowing down, breathing deeply and taking time to be intentionally aware of God's presence is a good example for those who are always rushing and is essential for a healthy spiritual life. 

Today, take ten minutes to do nothing.

How much time do you take each day to rest quietly in God?

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