Friday, July 19, 2024

Faith and Suffering

 "Many people followed him, and he cured them all, but he warned them not to make him known." Mt 12:15

Often in the Gospels Jesus warns his disciples not to speak about his mighty powers and miracles. Fearing that people will be drawn to him for the wrong reasons, Jesus wants his followers to announce God's love for them whether they are healed or not. His message is not about power but poverty. Even those with nothing will know the glory of God because God loves each and all of us without distinction. God's love is unconditional. We have only to respond.

When people hear this message, it often falls on deaf ears. If God loves us so much, why do we suffer? Why isn't life sweet and simple for all? That God promises to accompany us through every trial is little consolation for many. Is this true for you, us? Do we want a life free of stress and struggle? 

Today, acknowledge that life is a journey through light and dark and pray for the grace to accept and embrace life as it unfolds not as we dream about it.

Who helped you realize that the struggles in life mold your character and form you in compassion?

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