Friday, December 9, 2022

Finding Christ in the Other

 "Blessed is he who shall have seen you and who falls asleep in your friendship." Is 48:11

How many ways has God appeared to you? For St Augustine it was a child. Struggling with writing about the Trinity, Augustine paused to walk the beach and saw a small boy with a shell scooping up water. What are you doing, Augustine asked. "Trying to put the whole ocean in my shell," the boy answered. "You'll never be able to do that," Augustine responded. "Neither will to be able to understand the Trinity," the boy said with a smile and disappeared.

Most of us don't have dramatic encounters with the Christ child like St Augustine, but all of us meet Christ everyday if only we only our eyes and hearts. Sometimes it is in nature; at other times it is in the face of someone who smiles at us with understanding and compassion. We cannot afford to take these moments for granted. They are graced moments that fill us with wonder, awe and hope, and they allow us fall asleep in Christ's friendship.

Today, watch for the Christ to come to you in everyday events.

How have you met Jesus along the way of life, and how have these moments shaped you.?

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