Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Sow Justice

"Sow for yourselves justice." Hos 10:12

It is often more important and fruitful to sow seeds of justice and hope than to engage in long explanations and arguments in order to convince others of the truth of your position and stance. Not infrequently, when we are honest, we realize that it is people who listen well and speak carefully and simply who influence us the most. These are the seed planters who sow and let God do the rest.

Years ago a priest friend invited me on  a golfing vacation. I was delighted, hoping that we would have lots of long discussions and share our life stories warts and all as we traipsed around different golf courses. That was not his intention. Vacation was simply a time to rest, relax, eat well and enjoy doing nothing except play golf. Each evening over a drink he would asked me what I enjoyed most about the day and only later did I realize how important his question was. Like the seeds Jesus sowed in the hearts of his followers, my friend was teaching me that unless we learn to enjoy purely and simply the everyday pleasures that dot our lives, we will soon become boring, unimaginative automatons from whom justice cannot flow.

Today, breathe deeply and take five minutes to do nothing but enjoy breathing. 

Who sowed seeds of justice in your heart and life?

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