Sunday, June 21, 2020

Judgment is Mine, says the Lord

"Stop judging and you will not be judged. Stop condemning and you will not be condemned." Lk 6:37

Judging the motives of others is natural, but dangerous. Someone acts in a way that makes no sense to us and we immediately interpret it. Jesus was always being judged. Those threatened by his message tried to convince others that he only wanted to wrest power from the Pharisees and Sadducees, and exalt himself as a prophet and healer. It was very difficult for his enemies, and for us, to encounter a totally other centered person. 

Jesus came to announce the Good News of his Father. He wanted to remind us that we are saved and have only to turn to God in faith to receive this great gift. The gratuitousness of his goodness was too much to accept, even though it was only a fulfillment of what God had promised the Jews long before. We need always to examine ourselves closely, especially when we are tempted to judge others quickly if we want to avoid the same mistakes as the Pharisees.

Today, judge others with God's compassion.

When are you most tempted to sit in judgement of others?

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