Saturday, January 18, 2020

Singing a new Song

"He put a new song into my mouth." Ps 40:2

Sometimes we are so dense that can't seem to learn new and important aspects of life. We cling to what we know and the ways we have always done things, and this gets us in trouble. Our children, students, and younger relatives listen to us politely, but ignore our insights and suggestions. To them we always seem to singing the same old song.

Today the psalmist reminds us that God will put a new song into our moths if only we listen with openness and a desire to sing God's song and not ours. Most of us remember moments like this. Reading a book, listening to something on the radio, television or computer or engaged in a conversation, a light goes on. Someone has expressed something in a way that challenged us to change, to let go and to live God's truth, not ours.  Resistive for a moment or three, eventually  we move towards gratitude and begin to sing a new song and the melody not only helps us, it challenges others.

Today, think about friends, now dead, who changed you with an insight, an image, a metaphor or an interpretation of scripture or events that opened you to new way of living.

Who are the people in your life that you find very difficult to listen to?

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