Thursday, August 13, 2015

St Maximilian Mary Kolbe

"Unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the Kingdom of heaven." Mt 18:3

St Maximilian Mary Kolbe is a modern hero, not so much because of his accomplishments in founding a magazine with 1 million subscribers, but because his faith was strong enough to allow him to volunteer for death. Troubled while in a Nazi concentration camp that another prisoner with a wife and family was condemned to death, he volunteered to take his place. A few days later, he was a martyr.

As children most of us, full of romantic dreams, have no doubt that if called to be a martyr, we would say yes to this supreme sacrifice. As we age, however, and become more worried about our health and success, our resolve usually wanes. Maximilian Kolbe is a saint because he remained steadfast in his willingness to give up his life for the sake of another and the gospel. A true child of God: innocent, transparent, and vulnerable, Maximilian entered the Kingdom of God singing.

Today, ask God to renew your dreams of serving God completely, despite the cost.

What holds you back from being childlike in your faith?

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