Monday, May 4, 2015


"Then they traveled through Pisidia and reached Pamphylia. After proclaiming the word at Perga they went down to Attalia. From there they sailed to Antioch." Acts 14: 24-26

The apostles and disciples were full of passion after Pentecost. So filled with the hope of God's reign changing everything, nothing could stop them in going from place to place despite the danger to themselves and their families. They had heard the good news and been transformed by it. Passionately, they move onward and upward, convinced the reign of God and Jesus' return was very near, but we should have no doubt that they also tired with the tremendous effort of trying to be all things to all people.

The same thing happens to us. When we are young, we can be passionate about changing the world, raising a family, building a career, and cleaning the environment. Our passion drives us and seems unstoppable. Even though we often fail, we get up, move on, and search for new ways to live authentically, but being passionate also comes at a high cost. Because we spend an enormous about of energy in rushing from place to place and cause to cause, we find ourselves exhausted and worn out.

A change is in order. We must learn to harness our passion, listen to our bodies and discern how best to move forward as disciples. Allowing God to direct our lives not only frees us from the constant need to perform and succeed, it reminds that only in God are all things possible.

Today, be passionate about being alive.

Whose passion for the good and for God most changed you?

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