Thursday, May 14, 2015

Paralyzing Fear

“Do not be afraid. Go on speaking, and do not be silent, for I am with you." Acts 18:9

All of us get stuck at times. We think too much about tomorrow or next week or we can't let go of a hurt that happened last week or last year. Obsessed with matters we cannot change, we fail to live each day as it unfolds. This happens to me regularly, but especially when I am planning a long and complex trip. 

Getting to Nairobi, Kenya takes a minimum of 19 hours flying, none of which is much fun especially if you have a middle seat. When I think too much about situations like this days or months before I am to travel, I miss the delights of a simple meal with friends or the wonder of the Eucharist celebrated with children approaching the table of the Lord for the first time.

Imagine Paul's fear when Jesus told him to risk everything for the Gospel, even and especially when he was addressing former Jewish friends who thought of him as a idolater, or Gentiles who believed his was mad or worse! Paul prevailed, even unto death, because he remembered that the Lord was with him always even when God felt distant. The same is true for us if only we will listen.

Today, sit with your fear and ask the Lord to sit next to you.

Can you remember a time when your faith helped you speak even when you wanted to keep silent?

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