Thursday, November 6, 2014

A quiet Faith

"Increase our faith." Lk 17:5

In the first years after my ordination I often worried about my preaching. Was I making sense, I wondered? Were people able to follow me? Was I clear enough? Uncomfortable with the questions, I asked my mother what she thought. Do what other priests seemed to do, she suggested. If you are not sure of what to say next, say it louder. Though I used her advice more than once, in recent years I am more inclined to do the exact opposite, especially when I have worked hard, and done my research about the scriptural text. Rather than speak louder, I try to say nothing for a while and let God do God's work. Forcing myself to slow down and listen to God almost always results in something good, but this kind of patience demands a leap of faith that I would sometimes rather bludgeon to death!

In his classic work, The Mind’s Journey to God, St Bonaventure insists that while it is possible to uncover the “traces” of God’s work in creation using observation, logic, and reflection, eventually we must submit ourselves to the mercy of God who leads us beyond logic into the heart of the mystery itself. Only when we let go of our own powers of reason can God open us to the wonders of the gift that God gives freely, completely and gratuitously. We cannot earn the gift of faith; we can only treasure it and give it away in compassion and justice.

Today, be quiet and ask God for an increase of faith.

When is it most difficult to be quiet in the face of obstacles to your faith?

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