Friday, May 16, 2014

The Miraculous Works of Jesus

"Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever believes in me will do the works that I do, and will do greater ones than these." Jn 14:12

Jesus uses the phrase "whoever believes in me" often in John's Gospel. He promises us that we will never be thirsty if we believe in him, that we will not remain in darkness, and most tellingly that we will not die, but live forever. When he also assures us that we will do even greater works than the ones he did, he plants the seed in the hearts of his disciples about the power of the Spirit in the church. Doing the works of Jesus in the world does not belong only to the leaders in the church, but to all.

The question posed by John's Gospel is clear. What works are we called to do on behalf of the Gospel? How can we announce Good News with our lives? Although it might sound outrageous, we are all called to do miracles, to care for those who don't deserve it, reject us and waste our love. More, we are challenged to love our enemies for the sake of the Gospel, and when we do this, Jesus' becomes believable.

Today, ask God to help you do the impossible for the sake of the Gospel.

What miracles have others done for you?

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