Monday, January 14, 2013

Fame and Truth

"His fame spread everywhere throughout the whole region of Galilee." Mk 1:28

In the 21st century, so enamored with instant communication, fame is more fleeting, and sometimes more dangerous, than ever. 50 years ago Andy Warhol spoke of everyone wanting 15 minutes of fame. Today it is more like five minutes, and famous people often pay a big price when they fail! One wonders if the story of Jesus would make the front pages today, and if it did, would it last?

It is not uncommon, when we are uncomfortable with someone's fame, to denigrate their accomplishments. He's on the perfect team, we say. The system is more responsible for his success than his own skills. We do anything to undermine another's success, especially if it seems to challenge our own, and it was Jesus' success at announcing good, simple and powerful news to his disciples that got him in trouble.

It should be clear to every believer that Jesus is not concerned with success, but integrity and truth. He came among us, not to be popular or well liked, but to assure us that all, even the poor and sinners, are beloved of God, and have only to open themselves to God's love to be saved. Salvation does not belong to the Jewish people, to Catholics or any one religious tradition. Salvation is God's gift to all people in Jesus Christ. Despite the cost, we must continue to announce this.

Today, live good news by inviting another to live in joy.

What do you think of fame?

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