Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving Day in the United States

"May God grant you joy of heart, and may peace abide among you." Sir 50:23

Like most national holidays, Thanksgiving is a two edged sword. For those recently divorced or separated, going home for a Thanksgiving meal and celebration can be painful. Thanksgiving is a family day, but for those whose families have collapsed there is embarrassment, even shame. On the other hand, for those newly married or who have become new parents, Thanksgiving is a joy, a day to bask in the delight and pride of being family.

How families welcome and celebrate all their members is the measure of their faith and fidelity at Thanksgiving and throughout the year. God reminds us to welcome all to the table of plenty, (Ps 23:5) and Jesus challenges us to to go the highways and byways (Lk 14:23) to seek out the lost and forgotten. Finding ways both to acknowledge the loss and celebrate the joys of family members enriches everyone and assures family and friends that no matter how our life unfolds, our family, like God, will never abandon us.

Today, love someone unconditionally.

How do you celebrate Thanksgiving with someone in mourning?

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