Saturday, September 8, 2012


"Ephphatha," that is, "Be opened!" Mk 7:34

Hearing others can be very difficult. Sometimes the one to whom we are listening has an accent. Other times, they speak in code language or from a cultural perspective that is different than ours. But perhaps the most difficult people to hear are the disingenuous, those who, while not lying are trying to say things so carefully that we become completely confused.

When we read about someone in the gospel who cannot speak or hear, we immediately presume they have a physical disability, and in today's gospel that is probably true. But just because Jesus opens their mouths and ears does not mean they will listen carefully or speak honestly, and that is what we need to attend to for our own growth.

Miracles can be distracting unless we realize Jesus' intent is to demonstrate his power and establish himself as credible, but he is also clear that a miracle in itself lacks power if the person healed does not change. In this case, the person without speech or the ability to hear must speak and listen compassionately. Otherwise, the work of Jesus loses its power.

The same is true for us today. When the Lord opens our ears and loosens our tongues, we must listen and speak with care, concern and discernment. The purpose of our speaking and listening is to announce the Good News of Jesus, not advance our own reputation.

Today, ask to speak and listen with more openness of spirit.

Who has listened to and spoken with you in a transforming way?

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