Thursday, September 22, 2011

Rebuiling the Temple, the Body of Christ

“Is it time for you to dwell in your own paneled houses, while this house lies in ruins?” (Haggai 1:4)

Losing track of our priorities as a country and a church is very dangerous. When we forget to pause for Sabbath time, not just on Sundays but each day, when we become obsessed with our own security or wealth, when we fail to honor the importance of family by encouraging 80 hour work weeks, we have lost our way.

In today’s reading, the prophet Haggai is concerned that the people of Judah have forgotten their priorities and lost their way. No longer in exile, they have begun to rebuild their own lives and homes, but have neglected the symbol of God’s presence among them by leaving the temple in ruins. Haggai reminds the people that the temple is a symbol of their religious and communal health, and it is a mess.

Looking at the church in the United States today one has to wonder whether we have lost our way. While it may only be anecdotal evidence, it seems apparent to me that fewer and fewer young people find their way to church each week. With the exception of those few who have the great benefit of a weekend retreat designed for teenagers and young adults, neither do they think of themselves as disciples. How will the church survive in the United States in the 21st century if it is not more successful at attracting and convincing young people that a life of religious practice is not only demanded by gospel, it will enrich their everyday lives?

Furthermore, why would we rebuild old churches or build new ones if there are so few inclined to join? While these can sound like ominous, even negative, questions, they are offered not to alarm, but to alert. Just as Haggai reminded the leaders of his day about their obligation to rebuild the temple as a sign of God’s enduring presence and love, we need to remind each other about the need to rebuild the church, the Body of Christ, in the United States as a community of believers who are committed both to announcing the gospel to those who have lost hope, and living the gospel among those who have never heard it.

Today, pray that God will raise up young leaders among us who are determined to let their generation know the God who loves them unconditionally and committed to restoring the health of the Body of Christ.

1 comment:

  1. A girl from the Pittsburgh Diocese might be one of those young future leaders. I'm speaking of Jackie Evancho, she has had 2 albums reach #2 on the Billboard charts. In interviews and through her singing she expresses her faith beautifully. If you haven't heard of her here are some videos.
    Hail Mary(Ave Maria)
    Our Father (The Lords Prayer)
    Pie Jesu
    To Believe
    The Impossible Dream


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