Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Offering others Water

 "Jesus said to his disciples: 'Anyone who gives you a cup of water to drink because you belong to Christ, amen, I say to you, will surely not lose his reward." Mt 9: 41-42

To live the Gospel and gain its benefits is simple. Give a thirsty person something to drink in the name of the Christ. But it is also simple to break the law.  Anyone who teaches an innocent person to sin, to reject the Gospel, to disparage others, to steal another's reputation, to control others for their own gain rather than announce the Good News, will reap the wrath of God.

Feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty and caring for the sick and needy is a privilege. It is how the Gospel teaches us to witness to what we have learned. Knowing that faith and all it contains is a gift helps us to remember never to think of our faith as a private possession for our own salvation but as an offering from God that we need to share with the same gracious love God shows us.

Today, offer someone a drink of water.

How would you teach the young not to take faith for granted but to share it?

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Unnecessary Competition

 "There is no one who performs a mighty deed in my name who can at the same time speak ill of me. For whoever is not against us is for us.” Mk 9:40

Competition, especially between and among men, is natural and can be fun. Who can find and wear the loudest shirt or jacket, which football team plays the best and the smartest (even if they lose most of the time) or who knows where the least expensive restaurant is are only a few of the ways we compete, but the Gospel challenges us not to be competitive about power.

Newly called as an apostle, John is troubled when others claim they are acting in Jesus' name but do not follow the Lord and asks Jesus how he should respond. Only concerned with helping others, Jesus cautions John not to worry about having control of every situation, but to broaden his perspective. As long as others are not preaching or acting against him, Jesus is content to encourage them to do good, especially on behalf of those who are struggling in life.

The simple wisdom of the Gospel reminds us not to over complicate the teaching of Jesus, nor to make it something that must exclude other religions. When we can find areas in our faith traditions that allow and encourage us to work together for the good of all, we should eagerly embrace them. Nothing that helps the lost and gives voice to those to whom no one listens should be ignored in the name of Christianity or to prove that we are right. Only when we focus of those in desperate need can we be sure we are following Jesus.

Today, pray for those who work for interfaith cooperation.

How do you avoid unnecessary competition?

Monday, February 24, 2025

Taking Up Our Crosses

   “If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me." Lk 9:23

Crosses come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, none of them easy but all of them real and important. Some carry a paralyzing fear, others an impenetrable darkness. Still others suffer addictions that terrorize them and their families, but most of us have simpler, if not less heavy, crosses. We talk or eat too much, we don't listen to our friends or God and we wonder whether our lives have impacted anyone or anything. These are heavy crosses indeed.

Following Jesus means accepting who we are, what we've done and what we have failed to do, while at the same time praying to be free of our self absorption and fear. Knowing the Lord will guide and lead us to places, situations and people that will allow him to be known and loved makes this possible and desirable.

Today, carry the first cross you encounter without grumbling.

What are your most difficult crosses?

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Faith Makes All Things Possible

 "Everything is possible to one who has faith." Mk 9:23

Faith is a simple but profound gift that gives us the assurance not only that God exists but is active in our lives. Faith promises us that we are never alone and that God wants us both to be happy and full of hope, and it is the gift of faith that demands we do justice. Having received so much through faith, we are compelled to help create a world in which others know the gracious goodness and love of God in Christ directly as well as through the good works and compassion of believers.

The gift of faith is one that we too often take for granted, especially when we go about in the world without giving God any time at all except when we are struggling to understand or accept a difficult part of our journey. Faith is something about which we need to be grateful each day, a gift that is always there for us to take, live and delight in. God, like a mother loving her children unconditionally, keeps offering us growth, hope and a path to eternal life, and all of this freely and totally.

Taking some time each day to reflect upon this gift not only prepares us for the trying moments that come to us all, it roots us more deeply in the great mystery of God's love. 

Today, sit quietly for five minutes and pray in gratitude for a time in your life when faith saved you.

Who most impresses you with how they live their faith?