Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Spreading the Good News

"The word of God continued to spread and grow." Acts 12:24

The word of God, indeed, all the actions of God among us, is alike seed. God keeps casting it upon the church and world indiscriminately, and some of it actually takes root, grows and begins to spread and increase. Something so natural becomes a source of hope for all. Seed, earth, wind, insects and water, working together make it possible for the earth to nurture itself and for all to eat.

Because the natural world is so accessible and welcoming to all, Jesus often uses it to teach us about what we are to do and who we are called to be. Christians must become a living word, going about from place to place and allowing God to use us to spread the Good News in word and deed.

More important, when we allow God the freedom to scatter, plant and spread us for God's reign, powerful and transformative things happen.

Today, pick one word from the daily scripture and repeat it throughout the day.

How has God's word planted itself in your life? Has it changed you and others?

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