Monday, October 5, 2020

Facing our Fears

"You heard of my former way of life in Judaism, how I persecuted the Church of God beyond measure and tried to destroy it." Gal 1:13

How can the early church be both at peace and persecuted? St Paul wants us to realize that when we are in the Spirit, living the Gospel and announcing it with power, fear dissipates. The presence of the Holy Spirit becomes tangible, something we can almost taste, and although we must endure difficult and dangerous trials, we are not overwhelmed.

Of course, the further any of us move away from our early days of conversion, the more fear returns. Wavering back and forth between strength and weakness, like the Jews in the desert, we find ourselves drifting from the ideals of our faith commitments. We build "sacred cows"  by accumulating money and power, hoping they will protect us from the foolishness and failures of faith, but soon a life propped up by wealth is drained of its sweetness and we know that hedging our bets offers no ultimate consolation. 

Today, recommit yourself to the entirely of the Gospel.

When is it most difficult for you to remain peaceful?

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