Thursday, July 4, 2024

Stay Focused in Faith

 "Yes, days are coming, says the Lord GOD, when I will send famine upon the land: Not a famine of bread, or thirst for water, but for hearing the word of the LORD." Amos 8:11

Hungering for God's word and hearing nothing is something that every pilgrim experiences. Whether this happens to us when we try to discern between two goods that are set before us, or wanting to know how to act prudently in a difficult situation is not the point. That we cannot hear God is. God is clear that only when we open ourselves to God each day will we be ready for the trials that come to every person.

Amos is warning the people of Israel that unless they listen to God their punishment will be clear. They will not be able to hear God's commands and they will be lost in the wilderness of their own anxiety, a far worse fate than not having enough to eat. When there is a famine people almost always work together to help everyone have something, and while this tactic is not always enough, at least people are working together. When our minds and spirits are confused, there is no exit.

Today, listen to God and ask to know his will for you.

What keeps you focused on living in God?

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