Saturday, June 8, 2024

Unity in the Church and World

 “Every kingdom divided against itself will be laid waste and house will fall against house." Lk 11:17

What are the issues and people that most often get under our skin? Sometimes it is loud people, at other times it is those who say nothing even when asked their opinion. Sometimes it is people who crowd us or always have a question about or a critique of our political or religious choices. Whatever the issue or person, we need to learn not to overreact and risk upsetting the unity that Jesus prays for in John's Gospel.

All religious traditions recognize the need for unity among its adherents. Rumi says it this way, “Like a sculptor, if necessary, carve a friend out of stone. Realize that your inner sight is blind and try to see a treasure in everyone.” When we look first at what impresses and strengthens us as a community, we are less likely to focus on anyone's faults and weaknesses.

Unity was especially important for the first followers of Jesus. Pushed hard by the leaders of the Jewish community to renounce their Lord and often threatened with death by the Roman authorities, the first disciples had to be firm in faith without sacrificing the compassion Jesus taught. While we will have differences of opinion about how to live the Gospel, we need always to work towards a unity in faith for the sake of building God's reign.

Today, avoid a confrontation with someone with whom you disagree.

What has helped you retain a spirit of unity with your brothers and sisters in faith?

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