Sunday, May 26, 2019

The Challenges to Easter Joy

"I have told you this so that you may not fall away." Jn 16:1

Starting over is never easy, but often unavoidable. Ask anyone from Nebraska, Iowa or South Dakota who are trying to rebuild their lives after the recent floods or an alcoholic who has had a slip. Acknowledging one's powerlessness over nature or alcohol and committing oneself again to live a day at a time, while painful and frightening, is absolutely necessary, and the only way out of chaos.

The same is true for Christians. No matter how far we fall or how often we turn away from the Lord, we can always begin again, and the Easter season is the perfect time to try. As we celebrate being born again at Easter, the church reminds us that God always welcomes his people to renew their faith by focusing on the great of gift of Christ's resurrection. More important we are challenged to live joyfully in our daily lives, and this is no small task. As the years since Christ lived on earth fade, it becomes more crucial for believers to live the Gospel and allow Christ to ground their lives through their actions and prayer. But we must be patient.

Today, pray for patience with oneself and others.

What areas of your faith life are the most difficult to begin again?

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