Tuesday, February 12, 2019


"Are even you likewise without understanding?" Mk 7:18

To really understand someone else is hard work. It is not something that happens naturally for most of us because it demands we listen more than we speak. In fact, I often wonder whether people listening to us across cultures and languages, who must pay attention to every word and gesture we use, understand us better than those with whom we speak every day.

This seems be the case for those who opposed Jesus and struggled against his growing power, but it is also true for his closest followers. No matter how often Jesus spoke, acted, and responded to those most in need, it was difficult for those around him to fully appreciate what he was saying or who he was. Like the prophets before him, Jesus was forever demanding that his disciples review their lives and religious practices to determine if indeed the mystery of God's unconditional love was becoming the foundation of their lives. If it was, the law would take care of itself.  He demands no less of us.

Today, try to remember the last time you reviewed a religious practice or devotion in order to focus more clearly on union with God.

What or Who helps you understand the fullness of Jesus' Gospel message?

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