Saturday, December 1, 2018

God's Eternal Covenant

"The days are coming, says the LORD, when I will fulfill the promise I made to the house of Israel and Judah."  Jer 33:14

Sometimes we watch too closely, pay attention to too many details and get ourselves in trouble. Not only to do we miss the forest for the trees, we get increasingly anxious about things we can’t control.  Parents sending their children to school for the first time often do this, and it can happen to me when to help a friend work his way through a troubling or difficult personal situation.  Both situations, while understandable and for some unavoidable, remind us of something wise people have said for a long time: Look but don’t stare.

The prophet Jeremiah reminds us not to worry too much about what we have or don't have. Rather, he reminds us that God will be more just to the Israelites by helping them remain faithful to the covenant, and God will surely do the same for us.

Today, imitate God by looking at yourself and others without staring.

What situations cause you to obsess about matters you cannot control?

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