Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Responding to Enemies

"'My Father is at work until now, so I am at work.' For this reason they tried all the more to kill him,
because he not only broke the sabbath but he also called God his own father, making himself equal to God." Jn 5:17

All of us have people in our lives who get under our skin.  Almost anything they say makes us defensive and resistive. Though we cannot easily articulate what it is that disturbs us about the other person, it is very real and disabling. Often enough the person who annoys us at every turn is a mirror image of ourselves. If we find ourselves talking too much and not listening carefully enough to others, we resent it when others prattle on and seem not to hear the opinions of others.

Jesus has a ready answer to his detractors. Just as he relies on his Father for guidance and support, so must we give ourselves into God's hands and not allow our own faults or the foibles of others to bother us unnecessarily. Come to me, he insists, don't be afraid. I will be your guide and protection; I will make your burdens much lighter but you must let me help. Stop trying to figure out what it is about yourself or others that bothers you. It is a waste of time and fruitless. Place my yoke around your shoulders and walk the path to which I direct you. In me, everything is possible.

Today, pray for someone who annoys you.

What is the heaviest burden the Gospel asks you to carry?

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