Wednesday, December 4, 2013

God our Rock

"Trust in the LORD forever! For the LORD is an eternal Rock. He humbles those in high places, and the lofty city he brings down; He tumbles it to the ground, levels it with the dust. It is trampled underfoot by the needy, by the footsteps of the poor." Is 26 5-6

When Isaiah calls God a rock he is trying to help us understand the God he has experienced as a prophet. God, the rock, is Isaiah's foundation, the one upon whom he stands to announce Good News and the one who will never fail him. Without his "rock" Isaiah would be lost, and so would we.

Though God can never be reduced to a single image, calling God our rock does help us understand the God who is always there for us, always beneath our feet and always willing to be our foundation. Though we often stray from our rock, thinking we are stable enough to negotiate life on our own, God does not forget us when we wander. God waits for our return and is always anxious to welcome us home.

Advent is a time to remember who and what is our foundation, the rock beneath our feet. When we build our house on rock as Jesus reminds us, (Lk 6:48) we can be sure that neither wind nor storm, no matter how strong, will be able to dislodge our house from its foundation.

Today, plant your feet firmly on the ground and pray in gratitude for the God who is your foundation.

What are your experiences of knowing God as your rock?

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