Monday, July 22, 2013

God's Will

"While Jesus was speaking to the crowds, his mother and his brothers appeared outside, wishing to speak with him...Whoever does the will of my heavenly Father is my brother, and sister, and mother.” Mt 12:50

It can be uncomfortable reading about Jesus ignoring his mother when she wants to speak with him. We wonder what he intends and stretch our minds to understand until we realize that he is not so much turning away from his mother and family as he is turning towards us. The inclusiveness of his vision stuns us. Anyone who does God's will is brother and sister and even mother to him. While not rejecting or renouncing the law or the prophets, Jesus insists that the entire law must be understood in the light of our submission to God's will. We do not attain salvation. It is a gift for which we must be so grateful that we gladly live as God would have us live as members of the one family of God.

In a world so acutely conscious of difference between and among cultures, genders, races and classes, Jesus cuts through it all with his invitation to belong to one another in God by living in harmony not only with one another, but with all creation. His challenge to the Jewish community greatly disturbed their leaders who felt responsible for directing their congregation along a particular path of Judaism. Afraid not only of losing their power and influence, the rabbis were also legitimately concerned that their people would lose sight of the Law itself. Because Jesus was like someone yelling fire in a crowded movie theater, they felt compelled to challenge him.

There are people in our own time who disturb our peace, and we are often tempted to react harshly or dismissively towards them. Always pushing for greater equality, we ignore contemporary prophets at our own peril. When the poor call, Jesus listens and responds, even ignoring his own family. Our challenge is to follow the prophet Jesus.

Today, ask God what God wants of you and listen to God's response.

Where do you most often hear the voice of God?

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