Monday, September 3, 2012

Spread the News

"News of him spread everywhere in the surrounding region." Lk 4:37

Sometimes the gospels make Jesus sound like a contemporary rock star. When something good or bad happens to Bruce Springsteen or Jay-Z, the word spreads like wild fire. Fans follow their heroes' blogs and twitter posts like young people years ago followed baseball players' statistics, but it is all empty knowledge. No one suggests that it isn't fun or interesting, but it is not important as a Gospel value.

News spread quickly about Jesus because he spoke with a power people did not expect him to have and a freedom from fear that startled those who heard him. Often critical of the leadership within his own community, he challenged everyone to reform their lives and live the Torah not just talk about it.

More important, he became the voice of the poor. Born in Bethlehem and raised in Nazareth, it was not difficult for people to wonder why anyone would listen to him, but the poor knew him to be on their side and to promise them that salvation was not a reward for being faithful to the Torah but a free gift to all who handed their lives over to God, and committed themselves to the service of others as witness to the God who serves us all.

Today, spread the news of the One who sets us free.

From whom do you hear the Good News most naturally?

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