Thursday, July 5, 2012

Prophets of Truth

"Your land shall be divided by measuring line, and you yourself shall die in an unclean land; Israel shall be exiled far from its land." Amos 7:17

When God calls men and women to prophesy, there is nothing that can stop them. Surely this is true of Amos. Although threatened by Amaziah, who wants him exiled for presuming to speak for God, Amos reminds everyone that he did not choose to be a prophet, but God chose him, and he cannot not speak God's word. That God's message to Israel is hard and frightening is not Amos' choosing or preference, but God's. Unless the people of Israel repent, Amos warns, they will suffer the ultimate indignity of dying outside their homeland.

Truth will always have its day. In the Office of Readings, David dances ecstatically before the Ark of the Covenant, a display that Mychal, the daughter of Saul, thinks is beneath him because he has "exposed himself to the view of the slave girls." (2 Sam 6:20) Undeterred, David tells Michal that his only desire was to please and thank God, and he will further humble and demean himself so long as his dancing brings honor to God.

Both Amos and David teach us a great lesson. No matter our background or sin, God will use us for good if we submit to God's will for us. Discerning exactly what path we should take will still be difficult, but as long as we are unafraid to let go completely, to accept God's forgiving love, all things are possible.

Today, speak the truth with compassion.

What keeps you from submitting yourself completely to God's path for you?

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