Saturday, February 11, 2012


"There again was a great crowd without anything to eat." Mk 8:1

Hunger is a terrible teacher. When people are really hungry, even starving, it is very hard to listen, much less learn. Hunger, like anger or a chronic illness, gets in the way of everything else. Trying to teach hungry people is like trying to put one more ounce of water in a glass that is already full. There is simply no room. The water spills and is wasted. The same is true for hunger. No matter how skilled the teacher, when people are hungry new insights and knowledge are wasted. There is no room in the hungry person for anything new or transformative.

Jesus knew this about his teaching. The crowd had been with him for three days. They were fascinated by his preaching and by his power, but they were hungry, and Jesus suggests that if they were sent home they would faint along the way. How could they continue to listen and learn in such a state?

In many ways, we all know this truth. Not only when we are physically hungry, but when we are hungry for companionship, friendship and love, we can settle for almost anything, even though our minds know that our need is getting in the way of our good sense. Because we are so hungry, we can't listen to anything or anyone. Jesus knew this when he was preaching, and knows it still.

Today, don't be afraid to ask for the "bread of life" to feed you with good sense and hope.

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